Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Living Life Positively

Member spotlight

Nika Corbett

Our featured speaker for this week and member of The Next 100 project Nika will present:

Positive Self-Talk
How you start the day is what sets the pace for the rest of the day.  When you decided to make a commitment to change, you may have to be your own best supporter.  You will have to learn to speak words of motivation to yourself.  You may hear others say things that could be deflating or your own negative self-chatter may try to out talk you as well, but it's up to you to speak words power and motivation to yourself in order to hit your goals.  

Are you ready to learn?

 A bit about Nika, in her own words

  My name is Nika Corbett and I’m known as the Positivity Coach of 30 Days of Positivity. I help women across the country learn how to feel more empowered by teaching positivity in their personal and business life. I teach them how to battle against negative feeling and provide positive teaching methods that will open the door to living a healthier lifestyle. My program will hold you accountable daily with identifying objects of concern and teaching how to overcome negative circumstances. As most people already know our dreams and goals are not attainable unless there is a positive mindset. 

I am a mother of 3 beautiful children and the wife to an amazing husband.  The reason why I chose to pursue a mission of positive transformation is because in October of 2012, I was laid off from my job. I was an financial disarray and it took a toll on me emotionally and physically, but before I could begin to wallow in my own self-pity, we received a call from South Carolina indicating my father-in-law passed from pancreatic cancer.  So just when I thought I had a minute to fall into my little hole and question my knowledge, skills, and abilities, I had to immediately be the strong supportive wife while my husband was going through the process of parental loss.  Women in my life has displayed such courage and strength when faced with adversity. Although, my emotional pain was tormenting God gave me strength to be able to remain strong. I supported my husband, but nobody really knew how I was really struggling with anger,  anxiety, and  disappointment.  However, I continued to press through, because I had a business I was running on the side part-time. My hope was to set up the business to run full time, but I realized the business I thought I was going to run was in a deficit. I soon found out that this part time job was just a hobby I was pouring money into. My emotions were in a dark place of a lack of hope.  Not only was I dealing with the present emotions and concerns that I wont be able to provide for my children, I had trouble identifying my own self worth with no income. 
I remember my husband saying to me, just pray and ask the Lord what I am suppose to learn and gain from this entire experience. I did exactly that and the Lord revealed to me that this journey is not about me. It’s about encouraging and embracing people who are faced with negative circumstances that overshadows the positive virtues that are constant in one's life.

​I started writing a blog to encourage others, but later figured out I was writing my first book “30 Days of Positivity.”  Although, my circumstance did not change much. I realized the secret of success and happiness. I had to find the positive in all this negative instances: though I was no longer employed, I was still blessed with a severance package.
Although my father in law passed, we still have great memories and if I was still employed, I would not have been able to support my husband through the process.  I was able to re-strategize our business that was in deficit and set goals and plans designed to increase revenue in 6 months. Within that time frame the business produced revenue that resulted in a 500% increase for 2013.  We are forecasting to double the revenue in 2014.  The greatest gift is “30 Days of Positivity,” because it teaches how to change negative emotions into positive thoughts and behaviors. I wrote this book to give people purpose when they feel no hope and direction on when there seems to be no course. Your mind is a terrible thing to waste to negative thinking. Choose to be positive everyday and circumstances will work in your favor. Allow your mind to be free and escape the illusion of constant skepticism to a belief of purpose and passion with true positive integrity. A decision to focus on the positive will provide a gateway of freedom for your mind, body and soul.  So live a Purposefully Positive!​

We applaud you for committing to yourself for the next 100 days! #100women100goals100days

You can learn more about 30 days of Positivity by visiting her website: www.30daysofpositivity.com

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