Friday, June 27, 2014


Written by Guest Blogger
Wendy Lee
of Exit Reality

Owning YOUR OWN  increases YOUR NET WORTH BY 49%!! 

How does owning your own home increase net worth? Here's how, when you are paying rent, which is actually your landlord's mortgage, plus any extra money he/she may earn as additional income (let's get real, investors are in the business to TO MAKE MONEY on their investments), so you can help them pay off their mortgage, so with that mindset, why not pay your own mortgage, you are basically pulling money out of one bank account, your ATM, and putting into another of YOUR bank account because you are paying off YOUR OWN MORTGAGE NOW!! Now that is putting money back in your own pocket!! 

As a independent contractor, self employed, home based business, running your own business out of your own home gives you financial benefits (ie tax write-off, deductions). For example, a client of mine prior to owning a home, paid Uncle Sam $1500 one year, then the next year, with the tax write offs, the same client got back from Uncle Sam $5000 the next year, what changed, he bought a home!! 

Other benefits of HOMEOWNERSHIP!! To be able to enjoy the comfort, security, and financial rewards for as long as YOU CHOOSE to stay in the property! You move when you are ready to move!! 


Now is the time to buy real estate. Real estate is on the up and up in value now. Donald Trump, and investors all started somewhere with just one property. In the end, stop wishing for it, and make it happen with your 1st home purchase. 
With historically low interest rates, great home prices, multitude of home buyer programs available, the key to your home in your hands. 

Whether it be you can only pay $1000 or $10000/month in your mortgage payment, there is a home somewhere out there for you. 

The 3 rules of real estate is location, location, and location. 
But if it is budget, budget, budget that is more important to you, then expand your search parameters to account for your budget considerations. 

Few key thoughts to keep in mind.....some of the DO's and DON'Ts

Buy a home that you can afford. Don't try to be like the Jones. 
Choose a loan that fits your specific needs, not all loans are one size fits all. 
Don't spend on your home's equity, your home is not an ATM. Taking equity out doesn't build wealth....
Don't fall behind on your property taxes. 
Always maintain your home. Choose to do a small project or projects every year so that when it is time to sell the home, you are not spending a lot of money to make sure the house shows well. Besides don't you want to enjoy some of those new home updates when you are in the house too...(smile)
And always ask for help at the 1st SIGN of financial trouble. 

The key to make your dreams come true is to be COMMITTED TO YOUR GOAL. 

Once committed, your goals are more attainable. Create a vision board, prepare a budget, and savings plan, and work them all into an action plan. 

Make sure you find a committed licensed real estate broker to assist you with your search, so get ready, set, sacrifice, save, and savor in the quest to become a HOMEOWNER!! 
Stop paying your landlord's mortgage, and start paying on YOUR OWN mortgage! 

For more tips and tools on building your wealth, follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and You tube. 
Wendy Lee
The WRAP-STAR  Broker
EXIT Realty

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

How big is your CONFIDENCE?

Our Featured Speaker this week is
Kim Arrington
She will talk to us about having UNWAVERING CONFIDENCE

It was an amazingly hot summer day, on August 31, 1972 in a small town by the name of  Tuskegee Alabama,  and there was 5 pound preemie was being born in John Andrews Hospital. The mother of the child was frantic, because her baby was coming too soon, and there was only one Doctor on staff. As the nurse ran out to go and retrieve the Dr, they both rushed back in , only to find that a little baby girl had been born. That little girl was ready for the WORLD.  This baby girl was named Kimberly Kashanda Arrington.
From that day forward, Kimberly  did everything fast, as though she knew she couldn’t waste anytime. She spent her formative years growing up in Tuskegee, and Montgomery Alabama, and at the age of 19 , she decided to go to Auburn University at Montgomery, and selected the major of Communications. She was always a great talker, and was told that effective communication could get her far in life. After getting anxious for something different, 2 years later she moved to Atlanta Georgia,  where she embarked on some of the most amazing personal and professional adventures in her life.

At the age of 24, she became the only African American Female Licensed Futures Broker for a Brokerage firm in Atlanta Georgia. This world opened many doors for her, she learned to trade, Gold, Gasoline, Soybeans, and all the Commodities that were being traded on the Chicago Board of Trade. This wasn’t her only lesson, while there. She absorbed the mindset of those she worked for, and those she worked with. She became mentored by some of the most astute Financial Minds while there. They taught her how to think with an Abundance mind set, which she knew was a once and a life time opportunity.
Also while there, she began to learn the difference between Men and Women, and how they respond to similar situations, but very differently. She had a very unique opportunity, and it gave her a very unique perspective. She knew that she would always see relationships a little differently now.

Her Professional career since then has led her to become a Entrepreneur, Business Owner of  a Small Transportation Business for Elderly and Disabled Individuals, as well as an Author, Success and Relationship Coach, and now the Creator of  I AM ME university, which is an online Community of Women learning how to become their best selves.  She has truly been blessed to share all of her knowledge, as well as her mistakes with her Audiences, and her clients. She is a true Visionary, and this is only just beginning.

To learn how to connect with her or contact her, please follow her Blog entitled

“The Inspirational Corner with Inspirational Beauty”

Follow her on  “Inspirational Beauty”Facebook

I AM ME University

Soar Your Way To Success Follow on Facebook

Follow her on Twitter

Friday, June 20, 2014

Speak Life

Written by guest Blogger: 
Nika Corbett of 30 days of Positivity

Daily we need to remind ourselves that we should be our own biggest fan. When you wake up in the morning, and you look at yourself in the mirror, what do you say to yourself? Very few people will say, “Wow, you are great and I love you.” There are more who say, “Wow, you need to lose some weight,” “So you are on your way to that dead-end job again,” or simply, “Nobody likes you.” What a way to start your day. We have to change those words being used by that inner voice, because if you say something to yourself enough, you just might start to believe it. Imagine starting off every morning, feeling joyous and in love with yourself. Your level of confidence will be increased and your ability to reach your goals will be that much easier and that much more fulfilling.

I watched a great documentary over the weekend and it was so enlightening. One of the doctors spoke about a study they had conducted, where this group focused on speaking love to themselves. So, I thought it was good information to share on our strive for Positivity. Daily, they were asked to look at themselves in the mirror every morning and say, “I Love you, right now.” Right after that they did say all that negative chatter began in their minds. So, they allowed it to flow and flow. When all the chatter stopped, they said, for a second time, “I Love you, right now.” From the study, they found that by day 28, that inner voice changed from the negative to the positive. They started to feel that much better, as if their inner mental state did a completed turn around, which resulted in inner joy. This new thought pattern resulted in these individuals having a better picture of themselves and truly being in love with who they are right now.

So, I encourage you speak life to yourself. Love yourself. Enjoy being who God made you to be.  Shoot for those goals and dreams until they are achieved!!!  You can make it happen!!!

To Learn more about Nika Corbett or 30 days of Positivity visit:

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Get rid of that STINKIN THINKING

Our Featured Speaker this week is Là Tanyha Boyd 

Lá Tanyha Boyd, is living her dream and walking in her calling to empower, and inspire others in“Living in the Now;” the abundant life. Author Lá Tanyha, has traveled around the world via the airwaves as an Inspirational Speaker delivering messages to jumpstart your day and vision, all the while infused with Faith, Hope, & Determination leaving you with a mindset of I CAN DO THIS! Challenging others to Take Action to go higher in their careers, fulfill their goals and walk in their purpose.

Lá Tanyha is the International Host of Spiritual Food for Thought Global Radio. Through this syndicated radio broadcast she empowers others across the globe to follow their dreams and to live life with purpose, passion, fire and determination.

As an Empowerment Coach & Bestselling Author Lá Tanyha often shares messages that; “Life is all about living and when we can have Spiritual Food, it nourishes us like nothing else.”
Answering the call to minister, Missionary Là Tanyha has been working in the vineyard for over ten years, and is a Licensed Missionary.

Là Tanyha is a mentor and a powerful Inspirational Speaker, facilitator with a heart and fire for God and His people. Lá Tanyha Boyd has the world’s largest digital platform devoted to Jump-Start Your Day; transform your mindset, line up your thoughts, desires and emotions in creating the life and business you desire.

To stay connected with Là Tanyha subscribe to her mailing list here:

Check out her book trailer

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Removing How from your Vocabulary

  Featured Speaker 
& member of The Next 100 Project

Jamila Thomas

We applaud you for committing to yourself for the next 100 days! #100women100goals100days

To learn more about Jamila and "How Stops Now" click here.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Give yourself some credit

Give yourself credit

Often times we as women under estimate our own worth and our own power. We sell ourselves short and devalue our offerings. We settle for less and sometime we even expect less than what we deserve. This is a limiting behavior and it must stop if you want to take your life and/ or business to the next level.

Do you honestly believe that you are worth pennies instead of dollars? I think not! If this is truly your belief I am here to tell you TODAY to STOP LYING TO YOURSELF!!!!!

You are worth it, you can do it. Whatever IT may be. Everything starts with belief; if you believe it then you can achieve it. If you believe that you should be paid less than the next person that is what you will receive. If you think you are not able to hit your fitness goals, that is what will happen. Stop the negative self-talk and self-sabotage. The mind is powerful; let your mind take you higher.  You can do it, I promise!

Girl give yourself some credit! You are an awesome amazing woman and you better know it! Your gifts, talents and existence are for a reason you better know it!

I challenge you to give yourself permission to do more, achieve more and receive more. Believe that you can and watch it happen!

This is your SPECIFIC action step and CALL TO ACTION

Fitness goals: The next time you work out, set a goal. When you feel like quitting, keep pushing for 2 more minutes, or two more reps. Just do it, tell yourself “I can do this” then do it. Even if you fall a little short of your initial goal for the day make sure that you go at least 2 minutes or 2 reps after you are ready to quit. After that set your IMPROVEMENT GOAL FOR THE NEXT DAY and get back at it.

Professional goals: The next time you set your prices for your product and services push it higher. You are more than likely undervaluing yourself. Whatever the first price is that comes to your mind increase it by 10% and put that out there. What you offer is of quality and value and you should be compensated accordingly.  

Surprisingly  the people who see the value in what you offer are willing to pay much more than you think. We pay for what we want, need and find value in. If someone is not willing to pay your price, that person is not who you should be working with. Do not discount yourself for the benefit of someone else. Create a win win…they win and so do you!

That is my challenge to you try it- Go ahead and give yourself some credit. #Beastmode

Tell me how it goes


Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Living Life Positively

Member spotlight

Nika Corbett

Our featured speaker for this week and member of The Next 100 project Nika will present:

Positive Self-Talk
How you start the day is what sets the pace for the rest of the day.  When you decided to make a commitment to change, you may have to be your own best supporter.  You will have to learn to speak words of motivation to yourself.  You may hear others say things that could be deflating or your own negative self-chatter may try to out talk you as well, but it's up to you to speak words power and motivation to yourself in order to hit your goals.  

Are you ready to learn?

 A bit about Nika, in her own words

  My name is Nika Corbett and I’m known as the Positivity Coach of 30 Days of Positivity. I help women across the country learn how to feel more empowered by teaching positivity in their personal and business life. I teach them how to battle against negative feeling and provide positive teaching methods that will open the door to living a healthier lifestyle. My program will hold you accountable daily with identifying objects of concern and teaching how to overcome negative circumstances. As most people already know our dreams and goals are not attainable unless there is a positive mindset. 

I am a mother of 3 beautiful children and the wife to an amazing husband.  The reason why I chose to pursue a mission of positive transformation is because in October of 2012, I was laid off from my job. I was an financial disarray and it took a toll on me emotionally and physically, but before I could begin to wallow in my own self-pity, we received a call from South Carolina indicating my father-in-law passed from pancreatic cancer.  So just when I thought I had a minute to fall into my little hole and question my knowledge, skills, and abilities, I had to immediately be the strong supportive wife while my husband was going through the process of parental loss.  Women in my life has displayed such courage and strength when faced with adversity. Although, my emotional pain was tormenting God gave me strength to be able to remain strong. I supported my husband, but nobody really knew how I was really struggling with anger,  anxiety, and  disappointment.  However, I continued to press through, because I had a business I was running on the side part-time. My hope was to set up the business to run full time, but I realized the business I thought I was going to run was in a deficit. I soon found out that this part time job was just a hobby I was pouring money into. My emotions were in a dark place of a lack of hope.  Not only was I dealing with the present emotions and concerns that I wont be able to provide for my children, I had trouble identifying my own self worth with no income. 
I remember my husband saying to me, just pray and ask the Lord what I am suppose to learn and gain from this entire experience. I did exactly that and the Lord revealed to me that this journey is not about me. It’s about encouraging and embracing people who are faced with negative circumstances that overshadows the positive virtues that are constant in one's life.

​I started writing a blog to encourage others, but later figured out I was writing my first book “30 Days of Positivity.”  Although, my circumstance did not change much. I realized the secret of success and happiness. I had to find the positive in all this negative instances: though I was no longer employed, I was still blessed with a severance package.
Although my father in law passed, we still have great memories and if I was still employed, I would not have been able to support my husband through the process.  I was able to re-strategize our business that was in deficit and set goals and plans designed to increase revenue in 6 months. Within that time frame the business produced revenue that resulted in a 500% increase for 2013.  We are forecasting to double the revenue in 2014.  The greatest gift is “30 Days of Positivity,” because it teaches how to change negative emotions into positive thoughts and behaviors. I wrote this book to give people purpose when they feel no hope and direction on when there seems to be no course. Your mind is a terrible thing to waste to negative thinking. Choose to be positive everyday and circumstances will work in your favor. Allow your mind to be free and escape the illusion of constant skepticism to a belief of purpose and passion with true positive integrity. A decision to focus on the positive will provide a gateway of freedom for your mind, body and soul.  So live a Purposefully Positive!​

We applaud you for committing to yourself for the next 100 days! #100women100goals100days

You can learn more about 30 days of Positivity by visiting her website: