Friday, August 29, 2014

Keep Going

Written by guest blogger:
Angela Hampton

Each year we are faced with new trends and the confused options of following them, or going the opposite way. Should I buy another pair of Jodeci boots?  The answer is… Do what you like, if that’s what you want to do.  This is the same for your dreams. Just because there are other businesses, like the one you have in mind, does not mean you cannot go out there and open yours.

I think one of the problems is so many people are doing things that are for profit and not for passion.
  When we do things, without passion, the fire that got us started quickly fizzles out.  Then we are left with bills and merchandise and feelings of failure.  This is not to discourage those who have a knack for selling water at the beach, but how long will that last before boredom strikes? Passion will keep you going even when others say you can’t.

Goals are dreams awakened.  Creativity does not rest.  It will wake you up in the middle of the night, have you daydreaming in a board meeting and even interrupt a semi-good conversation.  These are all signs that you have a bigger goal in life.  Sometimes this can be overwhelming, but the end results are well worth it.

Everything we desire is attainable through hard work, a great support system and, and the knack to dust yourself off and try again.  They say the sky is the limit. And it is, if that is what you are reaching for.  The universe is made up of galaxies that no man can count, let alone limit.  This also applies to your dreams. Dreams are goals waiting to be met.  Every day those dreams will get louder and louder and you can either make them a reality, or ignore them until they fizzle away.

We grow because of our failures. We learn from our mistakes. We find strength when it’s the only option. I encourage each of you to keep dreaming and to keep moving forward.  Life takes us on amazing journeys that should be faced with enthusiasm, courage and faith. No matter the outcome, you will always come out stronger, and wiser, than you were before.

Peace and blessings!        

Angela Hampton
Twitter: @1angie1you
IG: @1angie1you


Thursday, August 21, 2014

Staying focused on your Focus

By: LaTasha West
Innovation, Strategy and Success Consultant

If you are anything like me or like most creative minds you have at minimum 10 new ideas a week. The super hero in you tells you that you can do each and every idea that comes into your head, but I have to share a secret with you. That’s not the best idea.

Trying to do too many projects at once can cause you to be overwhelmed and you may get burned out. Believe me when I say I know, I have found myself working like a mouse on a wheel trying to get 6 projects launched at basically the same time. It was terrible and quite honestly I was working, working, working and getting nowhere. You have to decide what to work on now and which brilliant ideas to put in your “future folder”. The future folder is your friend, use it.

How do you decide where to put your focus? I’m glad you asked. This depends on your long term goal. For example if your goal is to make money soon, then you want to work on the project that is most likely to bring in revenue quickly.

Once you have set your BIG goal then you should tackle it one piece at a time. Take your BIG GOAL , break it into medium goals, break those in to small goals and then break those into micro goals. By doing this you will reduce your chances of being overwhelmed and loosing focus or giving up all together. This helps you FOCUS on your FOCUS.

Your focus plan may look something like this.

BIG GOAL: Host graduation party June 6th

Medium Goals: Find venue, caterer, and DJ and book them by May 1st

Small Goals: Call 4 venues for pricing and availability by Thursday

Micro Goals: Monday make a list of 10 possible venues, caterers and DJs

Make sense? By breaking each task down, into smaller quantified goals with a due date you now have focus. As you complete your micro goals, you are now set up to complete your small goals and so on.

Now you try!