Friday, August 29, 2014

Keep Going

Written by guest blogger:
Angela Hampton

Each year we are faced with new trends and the confused options of following them, or going the opposite way. Should I buy another pair of Jodeci boots?  The answer is… Do what you like, if that’s what you want to do.  This is the same for your dreams. Just because there are other businesses, like the one you have in mind, does not mean you cannot go out there and open yours.

I think one of the problems is so many people are doing things that are for profit and not for passion.
  When we do things, without passion, the fire that got us started quickly fizzles out.  Then we are left with bills and merchandise and feelings of failure.  This is not to discourage those who have a knack for selling water at the beach, but how long will that last before boredom strikes? Passion will keep you going even when others say you can’t.

Goals are dreams awakened.  Creativity does not rest.  It will wake you up in the middle of the night, have you daydreaming in a board meeting and even interrupt a semi-good conversation.  These are all signs that you have a bigger goal in life.  Sometimes this can be overwhelming, but the end results are well worth it.

Everything we desire is attainable through hard work, a great support system and, and the knack to dust yourself off and try again.  They say the sky is the limit. And it is, if that is what you are reaching for.  The universe is made up of galaxies that no man can count, let alone limit.  This also applies to your dreams. Dreams are goals waiting to be met.  Every day those dreams will get louder and louder and you can either make them a reality, or ignore them until they fizzle away.

We grow because of our failures. We learn from our mistakes. We find strength when it’s the only option. I encourage each of you to keep dreaming and to keep moving forward.  Life takes us on amazing journeys that should be faced with enthusiasm, courage and faith. No matter the outcome, you will always come out stronger, and wiser, than you were before.

Peace and blessings!        

Angela Hampton
Twitter: @1angie1you
IG: @1angie1you


Thursday, August 21, 2014

Staying focused on your Focus

By: LaTasha West
Innovation, Strategy and Success Consultant

If you are anything like me or like most creative minds you have at minimum 10 new ideas a week. The super hero in you tells you that you can do each and every idea that comes into your head, but I have to share a secret with you. That’s not the best idea.

Trying to do too many projects at once can cause you to be overwhelmed and you may get burned out. Believe me when I say I know, I have found myself working like a mouse on a wheel trying to get 6 projects launched at basically the same time. It was terrible and quite honestly I was working, working, working and getting nowhere. You have to decide what to work on now and which brilliant ideas to put in your “future folder”. The future folder is your friend, use it.

How do you decide where to put your focus? I’m glad you asked. This depends on your long term goal. For example if your goal is to make money soon, then you want to work on the project that is most likely to bring in revenue quickly.

Once you have set your BIG goal then you should tackle it one piece at a time. Take your BIG GOAL , break it into medium goals, break those in to small goals and then break those into micro goals. By doing this you will reduce your chances of being overwhelmed and loosing focus or giving up all together. This helps you FOCUS on your FOCUS.

Your focus plan may look something like this.

BIG GOAL: Host graduation party June 6th

Medium Goals: Find venue, caterer, and DJ and book them by May 1st

Small Goals: Call 4 venues for pricing and availability by Thursday

Micro Goals: Monday make a list of 10 possible venues, caterers and DJs

Make sense? By breaking each task down, into smaller quantified goals with a due date you now have focus. As you complete your micro goals, you are now set up to complete your small goals and so on.

Now you try!

Friday, July 25, 2014

The Definition of Insanity

Written by guest blogger
Stephanie Baker

Insanity: Doing the same thing and expecting a different result.

I remember hearing this quote in church during a sermon. I was insane, because I kept doing the same thing over and over again and expected different results. Another quote I remember is the following: If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten.

This upcoming month, I decided to make some significant changes. For example, I’m going to start the Eat Clean lifestyle. Now, I am not saying is an easy lifestyle, because it’s not, especially when you have those cravings. So, what I decided was to give into those cravings but in moderation. If I want a piece of chocolate, I will eat a small piece of chocolate. Now, those salty cravings, I will have to get a little more creative. However, I know I cannot eat potato chips because that will be a disaster to the results I want to achieve this month. A question I have to keep in my mind: How bad do I want it? I must admit that I want it pretty badly. I want a nice, toned body. Sometimes sacrifices are necessary to get what we want. Don’t you agree?

Also, during this month, I want to continue to build muscle. However, I have not been committed to the schedule I created. This time around, I’ve asked for help to keep me totally accountable to get my butt into the gym to start a heavy/light alternating strength training program. This entails lifting heavy weights for the upper body one day, then lifting lighter weights for the lower body one day. Then switching it up: lighter weights for the upper body, then heavier weights for the lower body. I was told that since I was a runner, that I will not build muscle. This was all I needed for the motivation to prove that person wrong.
Change is an inevitable thing. I choose to embrace it. I choose to make the changes necessary to get those desired results. I know that if I want those results, I need to change some things in my lifestyle. I do not want to be insane anymore.

This pertains to anything in life, not just living a healthier lifestyle. Remembering the aspect of insanity can pertain to choosing a new career, starting a business, writing a book for the first time, etc. What changes do you need to make to achieve what you want? Are you willing to go network in order to build new connections to help you get your business plan off of that piece of paper? Are you willing to turn that television off in order to write your outline for your book? Are you willing to get off of that couch and go for a 15-minute walk? Stop the INSANITY! What’s not working for you? What do you keep doing, but expecting different results? Someone said: Progress is impossible without change and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything. Do not let this be you! Don’t be afraid of change! Embrace it because there are different, achievable results that are awaiting you! You might as well go for it, even if it means changing the game plan a bit. 

Friday, July 18, 2014

Are you doing too much?

Written by guest blogger
Tricia Lynn Logan

I am stuck in a lot of ways today.  I have a post that is due Thursday. It is funny when you are the owner of 5 active blogs, I should be brewing content out like a coffeemaker, but I am not.  I should be proud of this achievement, but I am not in a way.   The question I have to ask myself often is, am I spread myself too thin?  In fact, everyone who thinks they have too much on their plate, should be asking this question as well.  

Here is why I am making this statement.

It has been said that we are a generation of people who multitask.  On second thought, a society, because personally I am in between a baby boomer and a Gen X.  The lines are blurred when you are born in 1964 (July), and you have one group that says you are a baby boomer, but yet, you are a Generation X.  Anyway, the trend of multitasking is not going away soon, and it is growing by leaps and bounds.  But, what happens when you have too many things to do?  There are many ways to find out, and I will put two questions to the test…

Take me for example, in addition to writing blogs and other content work, I was until two weeks ago, a rep for two different direct selling companies, and owning a custom scrapbook and greeting card company.  I decided to drop one of the companies for lack of sales and promotion on my part. I am also into affiliate marketing, which is a challenge in itself.  I wonder if having all of this to do in my businesses, while not holding an outside job to help with finances, is helping or hurting.  There needs to be some organization on my part, if I am going to continue to make this work.

So, if you are in business, take a look at it, as well as other things in your life.  First thing you ask, “Is this the right fit for me and what I am trying to in my life to help me and other people in my life?”  The answer should be yes, and you answer should be clear and on how it is helping in your life.  If not, then why are you in business in the first place?  Money should not be the sole purpose for being in the business you are currently in, only part.  There is nothing with being in it for money, but for me, it tends to get stale after a while.  It not hold depth, and you will always find that you want more out of the business.  When I became a rep in the current company, I went into it thinking that I was going to make tons of money.  Here is a fact finding tool that was spoken to me by the owner of the company.  She said one year at the consultant’s convention not to expect to make tons of money in this business, and I did not understand at it at first.  I finally got it 3 years ago.  She also said to put family and God first.  I also make scrapbooks, greeting cards, which I want to help someone make memories and to cheer, celebrate, and encourage people.  Writing does the same thing. It is all about investing in me, my family, and sharing the skills I have to give for the betterment of this country and the world.

If you have decide to let go of something, first decide how this will affect your life, such as your income or the people who it helped along the way.  Coming back to me letting go of the one direct selling company, which I joined in October 2013, I looked at how much more commission I was bringing in verses not bringing in.   I also looked at how having the business in the first place affected me.  For that, I had to go back to 2006, when I was with a similar company.   By the way, deciding to add something to your life needs to have the same consideration as deciding to take away something.

Once you have decided, please research your decision.  Research everything.  In my case, it had to do with what my current company’s policy was on adding a new direct selling company.  As long it was a sister company (there are 6 of them), it would not affect my status, but had I joined a company that was not in the family, I would not be able to make the current company’s management status.  I can make management status with my scrapbook company and my freelance writing, because they are not direct selling companies. 

Next, tell someone what you plan on doing, as it could affect how things run in their world.  If you have family, they are part of research as well.  See how well your spouse/partner and children react to the idea.  Have a family meeting on the subject, and bring your findings to the table.  If they are on board with it, it is a good fit, but if they have questions, provide the answers or say I do not know. Let give it a trial period.

Even though I do not have anyone to discuss all of my decisions with, I still gave it a trial period.  The company did not work.  I do have some personal (not business-related) projects I did discuss with my parents. They will be my next goals in the next 100 session, and I will mention them at that time.  I am preparing for them as we speak, and I am taking them through this same process.

To recap, you need to re-think about how much you are doing in your life.   There are a couple of questions you need to ask yourself in order to make things work.   Once you decide to add or subtract things from your life, you need to research everything about the task, and have a discussion with family members, if applicable.  Everything needs to be a good fit in your life, your family’s life and your spiritual life.  It is called balance.  Not everything will go smooth, but it be much, much easier to reach your goals and achieve your dreams. 

Friday, July 11, 2014

Doing Me While Doing for Her: The Guilt of a Single Parent Businesswoman.

Written by Guest Blogger 
Joi Donaldson/ Joi Unspeakable


Her eyes sent nails through my chest. I'm leaving home again, after being out nearly all day, to go to a networking event when my 5 year old daughter follows me to my room asking that question.

"Why do you have to go out again?"

My heart sinks deeper. It's a strange mix of guilt and indignation. That strong sense of "that's mommy's business" weighs heavy on me. Still, I want her to know why. I want her to know and understand why I do what I do. Why I own one business and am partner in two. Why I never want her to rest on a 9 to 5 existence. That it truly isn't just for me, but in some ways, it is. It hurts. I remember that feeling. I remember being that little girl asking her mom the same questions.

My mother was an entrepreneur, owning two businesses while also working a day job and caring for me. Unfortunately, my mother struggled with her own demons. Demons that often took her away from me both physically and mentally. She would go to business meetings in lavish family-owned restaurants, indulging in her favorite drinks with me in tow. I used to watch her, wanting to be that content, not realizing the hurt hidden beneath the successful surface. And now, as a divorced single mom, I struggle with not reliving those painful moments with my child.

My daughter is smart. Sometimes to her own detriment. Punishments are strategically doled out to a kid who has mastered the meltdown. She has discovered the easy ways out; a trait she could use to cure the world if done correctly and fairly. "Work smarter, not harder" I stress to her. I tell her to accept sacrifice. And, in the midst of blazing trails, I will sacrifice anything to have you safely by my side.

Mommy is a writer and author.
Creative consultant.

I want you to see all these colors painted out without it making you hate me in the process.

So how do I rectify this? How do I explain to you, my child, my comings and goings without sounding like a complete jerk?


This is the only way I know how to explain my current aspirations. Honestly, I want the world. I want everything God has for me. Every last morsel. And in wanting these things, I may not always be home. That doesn't mean I don't love you. That I don't care about your feelings. I do massively. Yet I know that to be the best for you, I must be the best for me. I promise to make your life worth it; to answer your questions and give you truth-even when it's hard to hear in the chaos of my explanations.

In a nutshell: mommy has businesses. I have businesses for myself and for you. I want you to see that and hopefully one day want your own. I have a lot to live up to due to my background and I want you to strive for even greater than my endeavors. Don't leave yourself behind, always remember where you come from, but also remain open to answer the "whys".

Joi speaks to a very good point. It's about having balance. Business and Balance is it really possible? Join us on 7/17/14 at 9p EST for a Twitter chat we are discussing Business and Balance. #dreamchaserschat

Friday, June 27, 2014


Written by Guest Blogger
Wendy Lee
of Exit Reality

Owning YOUR OWN  increases YOUR NET WORTH BY 49%!! 

How does owning your own home increase net worth? Here's how, when you are paying rent, which is actually your landlord's mortgage, plus any extra money he/she may earn as additional income (let's get real, investors are in the business to TO MAKE MONEY on their investments), so you can help them pay off their mortgage, so with that mindset, why not pay your own mortgage, you are basically pulling money out of one bank account, your ATM, and putting into another of YOUR bank account because you are paying off YOUR OWN MORTGAGE NOW!! Now that is putting money back in your own pocket!! 

As a independent contractor, self employed, home based business, running your own business out of your own home gives you financial benefits (ie tax write-off, deductions). For example, a client of mine prior to owning a home, paid Uncle Sam $1500 one year, then the next year, with the tax write offs, the same client got back from Uncle Sam $5000 the next year, what changed, he bought a home!! 

Other benefits of HOMEOWNERSHIP!! To be able to enjoy the comfort, security, and financial rewards for as long as YOU CHOOSE to stay in the property! You move when you are ready to move!! 


Now is the time to buy real estate. Real estate is on the up and up in value now. Donald Trump, and investors all started somewhere with just one property. In the end, stop wishing for it, and make it happen with your 1st home purchase. 
With historically low interest rates, great home prices, multitude of home buyer programs available, the key to your home in your hands. 

Whether it be you can only pay $1000 or $10000/month in your mortgage payment, there is a home somewhere out there for you. 

The 3 rules of real estate is location, location, and location. 
But if it is budget, budget, budget that is more important to you, then expand your search parameters to account for your budget considerations. 

Few key thoughts to keep in mind.....some of the DO's and DON'Ts

Buy a home that you can afford. Don't try to be like the Jones. 
Choose a loan that fits your specific needs, not all loans are one size fits all. 
Don't spend on your home's equity, your home is not an ATM. Taking equity out doesn't build wealth....
Don't fall behind on your property taxes. 
Always maintain your home. Choose to do a small project or projects every year so that when it is time to sell the home, you are not spending a lot of money to make sure the house shows well. Besides don't you want to enjoy some of those new home updates when you are in the house too...(smile)
And always ask for help at the 1st SIGN of financial trouble. 

The key to make your dreams come true is to be COMMITTED TO YOUR GOAL. 

Once committed, your goals are more attainable. Create a vision board, prepare a budget, and savings plan, and work them all into an action plan. 

Make sure you find a committed licensed real estate broker to assist you with your search, so get ready, set, sacrifice, save, and savor in the quest to become a HOMEOWNER!! 
Stop paying your landlord's mortgage, and start paying on YOUR OWN mortgage! 

For more tips and tools on building your wealth, follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and You tube. 
Wendy Lee
The WRAP-STAR  Broker
EXIT Realty

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

How big is your CONFIDENCE?

Our Featured Speaker this week is
Kim Arrington
She will talk to us about having UNWAVERING CONFIDENCE

It was an amazingly hot summer day, on August 31, 1972 in a small town by the name of  Tuskegee Alabama,  and there was 5 pound preemie was being born in John Andrews Hospital. The mother of the child was frantic, because her baby was coming too soon, and there was only one Doctor on staff. As the nurse ran out to go and retrieve the Dr, they both rushed back in , only to find that a little baby girl had been born. That little girl was ready for the WORLD.  This baby girl was named Kimberly Kashanda Arrington.
From that day forward, Kimberly  did everything fast, as though she knew she couldn’t waste anytime. She spent her formative years growing up in Tuskegee, and Montgomery Alabama, and at the age of 19 , she decided to go to Auburn University at Montgomery, and selected the major of Communications. She was always a great talker, and was told that effective communication could get her far in life. After getting anxious for something different, 2 years later she moved to Atlanta Georgia,  where she embarked on some of the most amazing personal and professional adventures in her life.

At the age of 24, she became the only African American Female Licensed Futures Broker for a Brokerage firm in Atlanta Georgia. This world opened many doors for her, she learned to trade, Gold, Gasoline, Soybeans, and all the Commodities that were being traded on the Chicago Board of Trade. This wasn’t her only lesson, while there. She absorbed the mindset of those she worked for, and those she worked with. She became mentored by some of the most astute Financial Minds while there. They taught her how to think with an Abundance mind set, which she knew was a once and a life time opportunity.
Also while there, she began to learn the difference between Men and Women, and how they respond to similar situations, but very differently. She had a very unique opportunity, and it gave her a very unique perspective. She knew that she would always see relationships a little differently now.

Her Professional career since then has led her to become a Entrepreneur, Business Owner of  a Small Transportation Business for Elderly and Disabled Individuals, as well as an Author, Success and Relationship Coach, and now the Creator of  I AM ME university, which is an online Community of Women learning how to become their best selves.  She has truly been blessed to share all of her knowledge, as well as her mistakes with her Audiences, and her clients. She is a true Visionary, and this is only just beginning.

To learn how to connect with her or contact her, please follow her Blog entitled

“The Inspirational Corner with Inspirational Beauty”

Follow her on  “Inspirational Beauty”Facebook

I AM ME University

Soar Your Way To Success Follow on Facebook

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